Built and designed a fully functional highly responsive web app for the official eSports Fest of NIT Rourkela from scratch using Next.js,MUI, Emotion, Node.js, MongoDB and Vercel.
One stop platform for a students reading list on campus. Compiled books & notes of every single branch and year and a lot more with a great reading experience, built using HTML,CSS,JS,Google Script and firebase, Got 1k+ daily visitors on Exam’s days
MasterJi, built with Flutter, Dart, and Firebase, offers custom-stitched clothing with doorstep service, real-time tracking, voice-note instructions, Firebase Authentication, and a seamless UI powered by Provider.
Developed a cross platform mobile application using React Native and Styled CSS. Developed with modern UI elements, authentication, Google Places API, Checkout etc
Built and designed dynamic and fully functional cross platform mobile application for Android and iOS using React Native and Styled CSS. Developed with modern UI elements.
Built a fully functional highly responsive TikTok Web App Clone from scratch using Next.js, MUI, Emotion, Node.js, Express and MongoDB, hosted on Vercel.
Developed a fully functional highly responsive peer to peer video conferencing Web App from scratch hosted on Heroku using EJS , Express, Node.js, MongoDB and WebRTC i.e. Socket.IO and PeerJS.
Fully dynamic & interactive Amazon Bookstore Clone hosted on Github and Google Clouds, Built using ReactJS, MUI, Bootstrap, NodeJS, Express & Stripe for payment
Fully dynamic, interactive and Mobile friendly Uber clone built using NextJS, Tailwind, GoogleAuth, Mapbox, Firebase for authentication and hosted on Vercel
Built a fully functional highly responsive WhatsApp Clone for group chat management using React, firebase, Bootstrap, NodeJS and hosted on Vercel
This website is fully functional highly responsive, built using Typescript, NextJS, MUI, firebase, Emotion and hosted on Vercel and designed on Figma